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TYPO3 CMS Specialist (m/f/d) in Dresden

Frau Cornelia Albring
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
Fortgeschritten Junior
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🇬🇧 B1/B2

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Company Description

Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH provides consulting, services, and support to academic institutions and scientific research organizations. We integrate information technology and data and image analysis techniques with biology and the life sciences.

Scionics is located in Dresden, Germany, and is part of the dynamic Biopolis Dresden research campus that includes the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) and its Center for Systems Biology (CSBD), the Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB) of the TU Dresden, and the Center for Theoretical Medicine (MTZ) which is part of the university hospital. We work closely with all of these institutions and this provides our staff access to new technology, exciting projects and research. This environment also ensures that we collaborate with and provide services for a highly international community of scientists who are world leaders in their respective fields.

Job Description

We seek to recruit a TYPO3 CMS Specialist to work in a service team in an academic research environment. This team works directly with researchers to help communicate science through classic press channels, community outreach, event coordination, and websites, social, and digital media.

This position will work with the team and scientists to support and implement rich, dynamic, and attractive websites for scientific communication and outreach. The environment is an exciting combination of corporate and academic culture and provides a wide range of interesting daily tasks, access to high-end hardware and equipment, and flexible hours.
This is a position to stand in for our current TYPO3 CMS Specialist who will be going on parental leave for at least one year. Due to that we are willing to consider candidates with a wide range of experience levels. The tasks and responsibilities within the team will be distributed based on experience and skill.

This position can be between 30 and 40 working hours per week, dependent on the wishes of the applicant.


  • Creating, implementing, and maintaining designs and content for sites within TYPO3
  • Creation of webpages and functionality using HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • Assisting scientists with content creation and website maintenance
  • Interaction with an IT infrastructure group to help make pages and sites available and maintain TYPO3 installations


  • Proficiency within a CMS platform, preferably TYPO3, but relevant experience with other CMS systems would also be considered
  • Knowledge of CMS customization, configuration, and troubleshooting
  • Experience with HTML, CSS, and Javascript for content styling and customizations
  • Experience creating and publishing content, including text, images, videos, and interactive elements
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Proficiency in English is required, with the ability to understand and communicate effectively. Advanced or fluent English skills are not mandatory.

About Scionics

  • Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH provides computing solutions to the international scientific research community.
  • Founded in 2000 and based in Dresden, Germany, Scionics is a privately owned company.
  • We currently employ 30+ professionals with diverse skills and extensive experience in desktop and server system administration, image analysis, high performance computing, bioinformatics, and software development.
  • New employees who arrive in Germany from abroad can expect our help with their relocation, work permission, housing, etc.


If you are interested in this position, please send your CV and any relevant documents to: Kontakt-Formular with the subject “TYPO3 CMS Specialist.



Bewerben Sie sich jetzt bei der Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH als TYPO3 CMS Specialist (m/f/d) in Dresden.

Bitte prüfen Sie, ob Sie diese Grundanforderungen erfüllen:

  • Arbeitserlaubnis in Deutschland bzw. Schengen/EU notwendig
  • Mindestens Fortgeschritten (B1/B2) in Englischer Sprache notwendig
  • Arbeitsort muss erreichbar sein: Dresden
oder hier herziehen und ablegen


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Javascript, CMS, CSS, HTML, Designer, typo3, Webdesign, Grafiker, Webentwicklung, Webdesigner,, Empfehlungsbund

Dieser Job bzw. Stellenanzeige als 'TYPO3 CMS Specialist (m/f/d)' ist für folgende Adressen ausgeschrieben: 01309 Dresden in Sachsen.

Kurzprofil der Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH

Die Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH bietet IT-Lösungen für die internationale wissenschaftliche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Die Scionics GmbH, mit Sitz in Dresden, Deutschland, wurde im Jahr 2000 gegründet und verfügt über 20 Jahre an Expertise im Bereich innovativer Software und Dienstleistungen. Scionics ist ein Privatunternehmen und beschäftigt 32 Mitarbeiter mit vielfältigen Fähigkeiten und umfassender Erfahrung in Desktop- und Serversystem-Administration, Bildanalyse, Hochleistungsrechnen, Bioinformatik und Softwareentwicklung.

Neben den guten Möglichkeiten zur Mitarbeitergewinnung und zum Netzwerken in ist die Betreuung im Empfehlungsbund einfach toll und macht Freude!

Frau Cornelia Albring

Weitere Stellenanzeigen der Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH

TYPO3 CMS Specialist (m/f/d) in Dresden

Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
Fortgeschritten Junior
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